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Interstate Passport

 WICHE Passport


Snow College is a member of the Interstate Passport Network, which provides a framework for block transfer of lower-division general education based on learning outcomes in nine areas: 

  • Foundational Skills: oral communication, written communication, quantitative literacy
  • Knowledge of Concepts: natural sciences, human cultures, creative expression, human society and the individual
  • Crosscutting Skills: critical thinking and teamwork/value systems.

Each Network member institution has its own Passport Block—a menu of lower-division general education courses and learning experiences by which a student can earn the Passport. Students who complete our institution’s Passport Block (General Education Block) or ( with a minimum grade of “C” or its equivalent in each course or learning experience will be awarded the Passport by our institution. Those students who later transfer with a Passport to another Network-member institution will have their learning recognized; they will not have to repeat or take additional courses to satisfy lower-division general education requirements in the Passport’s nine areas.

For students the Passport offers:

  • An early milestone on the way to a credential.
  • Advance knowledge that lower-division general education learning in the Passport’s nine areas will be recognized upon transfer to another Network member institution.
  • The potential for faster time to degree, lower cost, less debt, and lower foregone earnings from unduplicated learning.
  • A streamlined transfer process and a greater likelihood of successful transfer and completion.

For more information about the Interstate Passport, including a list of Network member institutions, see